Bid Track Sell

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About Bid Track Sell

Bid Track Sell is a customer relationship management system built on the Salesforce platform that helps businesses handle operations related to sales, commissions, suppliers, customers and more. The centralized dashboard enables managers to track bids, create and assign projects to team members, generate quotes and manage online orders in real-time. Bid Track Sell enables manufacturers to receive automated follow-up reminders via email, manually update quote statuses and modify contracts as per business requirements. Features include collaboration, data synchronization, communication management, access control, reporting and more. Additionally, agents can use the application to collect and store customer details including contact information, email addresses, and h...

Bid Track Sell Pricing

Bid Track Sell offers a 14-day free trial for new users, after which the software is available across 3 pricing tiers, details of which are outlined below - Monthly Subscription - $49.95/month + $20 (One-time processing fee) One Year Plan - $480/year Two Year Plan - $920 for two years

Starting price: 

$49.95 per month

Free trial: 


Free version: 

Not Available

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