About Capillary CDP
Capillary CDP is a cloud-based eCommerce platform with AI-assisted CRM functions. It mainly targets fashion outlets, retail stores, restaurants and supermarkets but is also suited for hospitality, manufacturing and pharmaceutical businesses. It integrates with various tools to unify customer data and produce actionable insights.
Users with a data science background can also use the collected data to create algorithms of their own. This customer data platform (CDP) comes with a suite of software tools. It provides insights into customer experiences, behaviors, engagement and loyalty. The system also data on store experiences and business performance.
Capillary CDP software's key features include drag-and-drop storefronts, 360-degree product views and hyperlocal offer p...
Capillary CDP Pricing
Please contact Capillary directly for pricing information.
Starting price:
Free trial:
Not Available
Free version:
Not Available