About NoviSign
NoviSign is a cloud-based solution that helps businesses manage and broadcast content on interactive kiosk devices across multiple locations. Key features include digital signature, virtual keyboard, onsite printing and secure browsing.
Designed for small to midsize businesses, NoviSign’s content management system allows users to manage content and custom share web screen in parts according to campaign requirements. Its player application enables enterprises to install the solution on remote hardware devices and download content from a centralized database. Additionally, the tool allows firms to generate reports on user activities and machine health.
NoviSign comes with an Internet of Things (IoT) module, which lets the system respond to events through sensors...
Awards and Recognition
FrontRunner 2024
Software Advice's FrontRunners report ranks top products based on user reviews, which helps businesses find the right software.
NoviSign Pricing
Pricing is available on a monthly subscription starting from $20/month/screen.
Starting price:
$20.00 per month
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