GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program)

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About GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program)

GIMP is an open-source image editor designed to help illustrators, graphic designers and photographers create and edit artworks, photos, and paintings using defined publishing workflows. It provides a customizable interface, which businesses can use to customize widget themes, icon sizes, colors, spacing and more. Key features include photo enhancement, digital retouching, preview mode, multiple file formats, data export. It offers a channel mixer, which lets professionals eliminate lens tilt effects and distortions across images using filters in a corrective mode. Additionally, the crop tool lets users edit the active layer in an image and use auto-shrink functionality to locate the border. It is available for free of cost and support is extended via documentation a...

Awards and Recognition

FrontRunner 2022
Software Advice's FrontRunners report ranks top products based on user reviews, which helps businesses find the right software.

GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) Pricing

GIMP is an open-source software. It is available for free.

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GIMP metadata viewer

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