

Oil and Gas Software





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About ProcessVue

ProcessVue provides key personnel who manage alarms with clear, relevant and prioritised alarm information for operational, planning and compliance needs based on globally recognised alarm management standards. The suite is powerful, yet simple to use at all levels. Operational intelligence for control room to KPI’s for the board room. Used for simple Sequence of Event recording to full EEMUA 191 / ISA 18.2 based KPI reporting. PROCESSVUE SEQUENCE Captures, collects and stores alarm and event data from disparate data sources. Web clients provide the capability to view, filter and search data. Powerful Alarm Historian with web-based clients. Frequency analysis with distribution drill-down. Export data in Excel, CSV, RTF and PDF at the click of a button. Plant, Area an...

ProcessVue Pricing

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ProcessVue pricing is available upon request.

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