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About eTutor

eTutor is a cloud-based school, exam and learning management system, which helps government organizations and educational institutions streamline processes related to academic schedules, attendance tracking and more. Schools can generate enrollment numbers in bulk and create several types of assessment questions including multiple-choice or numeric, among others. eTutor allows students to submit assignments, participate in online activities and access various learning resources such as videos, presentations, lecture notes, and more on a centralized platform. Teachers can plan, create and publish academic schedules and view information about school departments, students or faculty members in the form of graphs. Additionally, educators can utilize a whiteboard in dur...

eTutor Pricing

eTutor's pricing starts at $100 per month per user.

Starting price: 

$100.00 per month

Free trial: 


Free version: 


eTutor import Excel files
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