

Blockchain Platforms Software


Azure Blockchain Workbench

Azure Blockchain Workbench

Azure Blockchain Workbench

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About Azure Blockchain Workbench

Azure Blockchain Workbench is a blockchain platform that helps businesses prototype applications in the cloud. The platform enables managers to configure and deploy consortium networks through automated ledger deployment, network construction and built-in commands. Administrators can create contracts and sync transactions with databased and gain visibility into the general ledgers on a unified interface. Azure Blockchain Workbench allows teams to securely store private keys in Azure Key Vault and authenticate interactions through device-specific credentials. Additionally, supervisors can connect blockchain identities with Azure Active Directory to streamline collaboration on a centralized dashboard. Azure Blockchain Workbench offers an application programming interfac...

Azure Blockchain Workbench Pricing

Please contact Microsoft for pricing details.

Starting price:

Azure Blockchain Workbench pricing is available upon request.

Free trial:


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Azure Blockchain Workbench open editors
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