Dynamic Website Seal

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About Dynamic Website Seal

Website seals are a type of trust badge or trust logo granted by license and certification providers or authoritative sources and issued to corporate members, who then display it on websites as a mark of visual recognition of association with customers. They are normally found at the footer of corporate websites and normally act as a visual assurance for consumers that the website in question meets a certain standard or is authorized to carry out a particular service. Dynamic website seals are dynamic, which means that what is displayed on the seal is a real-time member status representation that is automatically updated based on the status of the member, whether active, expired, or revoked. Dynamic website seals are also clickable to verify, which means users can clic...

Dynamic Website Seal Pricing

Starting price: 

$24.00 per year

Free trial: 


Free version: 

Not Available

Portal home page which gives access to associations and members to interact with the system
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