Develop Diverse

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About Develop Diverse

Develop Diverse is the world’s first inclusive writing software that automatically analyses content for stereotypical biased words and proposes inclusive alternatives. Develop Diverse has an intersectional approach to ensure inclusivity towards both conforming and non-conforming (LGBTQ+) gender, age, ethnicity, disability, and neurodiversity. Develop Diverse ensures your words appeal to everyone who is qualified, enabling you to onboard a greater diversity of voices and develop a culture of inclusion. The inclusive writing platform detects biased words and suggests inclusive and non-stereotypic alternatives. Develop Diverse provides real-time inclusive suggestions, advice for text accessibility improvements, simple & short educational pop-ups, and trend analytics ...

Develop Diverse Pricing

Starting price: 

€3,000.00 per year

Free trial: 


Free version: 

Not Available

Focus on Inclusive Language
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