Ventus Rex Peer Recovery Platform

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About Ventus Rex Peer Recovery Platform

Ventus Rex Peer Recovery Platform is the ultimate SaaS practice management platform designed for organizations that offer peer coaching services. Peer coaching, also known as peer support, is an effective way to help individuals struggling with a variety of issues, including addiction, mental health, and other challenges. With Ventus Rex Peer Recovery Platform, organizations can now manage programs, budgets, and teams in a streamlined, efficient manner, delivering more value per funding dollar and service hour. Ventus Rex Peer Recovery Platform is particularly useful for independent addiction and recovery-focused agencies, as well as teams within larger organizations, such as correctional institutions, healthcare systems, military groups, universities, and corporations...

Ventus Rex Peer Recovery Platform Pricing

Starting price: 

$29.00 per month

Free trial: 

Not Available

Free version: 

Not Available

Organizational dashboard showing engagements, budgets, referrals, closed cases, hours.

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