

Bug Tracking Software





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About Betterbugs

BetterBugs is a bug reporting tool that simplifies the complex process of troubleshooting code. With comprehensive bug reports containing precise details like console statements, network information, and system info, debugging sessions become faster, easier, and more efficient. BetterBugs has collaborative features for bug reporting, debugging, and resolution with real-time commenting functionality within the platform. BetterBugs integrates seamlessly with your existing project management tools, making bug reporting and resolution fast and efficient.

Betterbugs Pricing

$3.99 per user annually, $4.99 per user monthly, and custom pricing for enterprise users.

Starting price:

Betterbugs pricing is available upon request.

Free trial:

Not Available

Free version:


Simply hit that icon on your browser and take screenshots or video recordings of the bug in a blink.
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