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About SurveyJS

SurveyJS is a set of UI components that fully integrate in any JavaScript application; it allows you to set up a robust form management system with user access control where form creators can build, style and modify unlimited number of forms in a drag-and-drop interface. SurveyJS a perfect solution for organizations that deal with multiple ever-changing forms on a daily basis and have to remain compliant with data privacy regulations, such as those in healthcare, banking, finance, HR, education, and insurance sectors. SurveyJS is free at the base and offers a perpetual developer-based licensing model for the Form Builder, PDF Generator and Dashboard libraries, allowing you to make a one-time payment and use the software indefinitely, thus also reducing the initial inve...

SurveyJS Pricing

SurveyJS is free at the base and offers a perpetual developer-based licensing model for the Creator, PDF Generator and Dashboard libraries, meaning you can make a one-time payment and use the software indefinitely. We provide access to the latest product versions and technical support on a subscription basis. A subscription lasts for a 12 month period (of the original purchase date, or of the latest renewal date). You get permanent access to the versions released within this period. Developer licenses for all SurveyJS products are perpetual and come with a 90-day unconditional money-back guarantee. A volume discount (of up to 35% off) applies when purchasing 2 or more of the same product title.

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