About YouTestMe GetCertified
YouTestMe GetCertified is a web-based online testing and proctoring solution for government and businesses which provides features such as test creation, violation tracking, screen lockdown, and test recording.
Using YouTestMe GetCertified’s proctoring and security features, businesses and educators can benefit from automated or live proctoring, ensuring the security and integrity of their online testing environments. The lockdown browser capabilities within YouTestMe GetCertified also allow businesses to avoid the risk of cheating by ensuring test takers cannot access other sites during the test.
YouTestMe GetCertified integrates with a range of third party applications and learning management systems including Moodle, HRCare, LMSPro, and Stripe in order to facilitat...
YouTestMe GetCertified Pricing
Cloud hosted from $0/month On-premise for $15,000 per month or a one-time fee
Starting price:
YouTestMe GetCertified pricing is available upon request.
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