

Background Check Services Software








About Certn

Certn is a comprehensive background check provider that uses smart technology and a dedicated customer service team to deliver results in a matter of minutes. With Certn's online portal, employers, talent acquisition teams, staffing firms, and property managers can submit applicant details and choose from over 15 screening products in 200 countries. Certn provides comprehensive reports for domestic and international criminal background checks, credit reports, education and employment verification and more, using real-time data from over 200,000 sources. Certn offers a full range of screens from instant Softchecks, education and employment verifications to criminal background checks, motor vehichle and references. For identity verification, Certn utilizes propriety tech...

Certn Pricing

Pricing varies depending on the type and number of background checks. Low volume packages include up to 100 checks annually and start at $10. High volume packages include more than 100 checks annually. Contact Certn for more information.

Starting price:

$10.00 one time

Free trial:

Not Available

Free version:

Not Available

Reports Dashboard
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