Inline Checkout

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About Inline Checkout

Inline Checkout is a next-gen eCommerce tool that lets you take advantage of all the benefits offered by a one-page checkout without the loss of valuable visitor information. With its native integrations with payment processors, shipping methods, upsells and endless customization possibilities, the application enables users to increase conversion rates while reducing shopping cart abandonment rates.

Inline Checkout Pricing

Inline has a pay-per-use model, where we charge our users a fixed 0.3$ per sale. All the upsells, additional shipping costs,s or extra purchases that occur in the buying process are treated as one sale. Inline helps merchants & online sellers sell more and increase AOV while expanding revenue, so if you have a product you sell for 50USD and you upsell a product that costs 30USd you made 80USD on that sale and inline will charge 0.3$. Inline also offers custom plans for enterprise users or for users with special pricing needs.

Starting price: 

$0.30 per month

Free trial: 

Not Available

Free version: 


Inline Checkout dashboard

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