HR DataHub

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About HR DataHub

Say hello to HR DataHub – the salary benchmarking tool that gives you access to the UK’s most comprehensive real-time salary data at the click of a button. Our intuitive tool gives you the salary insights you need, when you need them. Using our tool means that you can: Attract and retain the right people: Our real-time data and localised search lets you keep your finger on the pulse of the market so that you can attract the right people, at the right price Trust in data: Our rich data sources, trends over time insights and thorough job deduplication process means that by using our single platform, you get the most reliable view of the market Easily find the data you need: Whether you’re a hiring Manager, HR professional or CFO, our simple interface and clear analy...

HR DataHub Pricing

Starting price: 

£5,000.00 per year

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Drill down into over +26 Million live and historical job ads from across the UK. Filter by the location you need, so that you can make sure you're paying fairly, wherever you're based. Choose the timeframes most relevant to you.
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