About eMAM
eMAM Pricing
The website emamsolutions.com details the traditional product line (Vault, Publish, Workgroup, and Enterprise) of licensed package available for perpetual license or annual subscription to run on client local/cloud/hybrid infrastructure. Pricing is available from system integrator partners (emamsolutions.com/reseller) or the eMAM team. eMAM Cloud is available from the AWS Marketplace, the Alibaba Marketplace, and emamcloud.com. All-inclusive SaaS service options for archive/sharing (Preserve) and collaborative production (Create) include all expenses with monthly and annual pricing options. Software only PaaS platform options for archive/sharing (Archive) and collaborative production (Produce) are available to run on your AWS infrastructure: you only pay for eMAM software on an hourly or annual basis.
Starting price:
$0.55 one time
Free trial:
Free version:
Not Available