

Predictive Lead Scoring Software








About Aggregatur

Aggregatur is an online-based application designed to help lead-selling companies collect leads and sell them to customers. The application automatically identifies and processes new incoming leads in real-time. It also uses artificial intelligence to analyze and price lead costs automatically. Aggregatur can be used to deliver collected leads to clients autonomously. The application offers automated billing, which users can configure on a per-client basis. The application can be also be used to analyze marketing campaign performance, enabling marketing managers to make better assessments and increase revenue or returns. Users can access the application 24/7 via any web browser. The software can send activity reports automatically in real-time or at determined interva...

Aggregatur Pricing

Pricing is based on the number of leads that you are actually selling, which makes it perfect for startups and new lead generation organizations.

Starting price:

$249.00 per month

Free trial:

Not Available

Free version:

Not Available

Robust dashboards