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About VCV

VCV is an artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled video interviewing platform that enables businesses to search, call and screen candidates, improving overall hiring processes. Professionals can utilize the search bot to screen multiple curriculum vitae (CVs) and identify specific parts as per job role requirements. VCV allows businesses to communicate with candidates via online chats or calls and use the voice bot to create customizable questions for telephonic interviews. Businesses can analyze human resource and performance data to improve workforce planning processes. It lets users conduct video interviews and assess candidates using pre-configured questions. Additionally, the voice recognition technology helps users evaluate candidate responses. VCV facilita...

VCV Pricing

VCV offers free trial for 10 days after which the software is available across three pricing tiers. Pricing details are outlined below- Free- $0 for 50 responses Starter- $47 for 100 responses Growth- $117 for 250 responses For Enterprise plan, contact VCV

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