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About Alefbrain

Alefbrain is a cloud-based project management solution that helps small and medium businesses define and manage project workflows, task priorities and monitor progress. The centralized platform allows teams to utilize Scrum and Kanban frameworks to improve teamwork, accountability and consistent performance towards defined goals. Features of Alefbrain include prioritization, project planning/scheduling, reporting/project tracking, issue management, agile methodologies, task management and Kanban board. It comes with knowledge improvement tools, which enables employees to collaborate on ideas, notes and other crucial information, facilitating work productivity and team motivation. Additionally, managers can use the solution to create and assign points to each task t...

Alefbrain Pricing

No matter how intensively you are using it or how many team members you have price is USD 76.00 per month flat-fee

Starting price: 

$76.00 per month

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Free version: 

Not Available

Kanban boards
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